What is the best thing about you?
"I don't know. I'm smart?"
What is something you would change about yourself?
"I like the way I am. there is nothing I could do to make my life better."
What do you want to do for money when you grow up?
"Play a professional sport"
Who would you most like to meet?
"The President." (but then he over heard the Bo Jackson answer by Carter and wanted to change his)
If you had only 1 wish, what would it be?
"That I could play football. No. No. Wait. I wish there there was no such thing as bills. AND I want to play football."
Where would you most like to visit?
What is the scariest thing you can think of?
"Heights. I'm always afraid that the thing I am standing on will fall."
What is your favorite food?
"Tilapia, steamed cabbage, green beans, and macaroni"
What is the best thing about our family?
"Do we get along good?"
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